Accessibility Tools
The Accessibility Tools are a set of accommodation tools which are designed to aid the Test-taker in various ways when taking tests.
The Accessibility Tools which have been activated for a Test can be found in the Properties Panel on the right.
Note: Accessibility tools can be activated either for a whole Section of a test, or for each Item. Not all Accessibility Tools are activated for every test – this depends on the test configuration.
The tools available are as follows:
This option provides the test-taker with a basic calculator.
Answer Eliminator
The Answer Eliminator allows the test-taker to eliminate answers in Choice interactions. This is useful if there is a long list of answer choices, and the test-taker has a learning disability.
Answer Masking
Answer Masking allows the test-taker to mask and unmask answers in choice interactions.
Area Masking
Area Masking allows the test-taker to mask parts of the item with a movable mask.
Flagging an answer to a particular question allows the test-taker to review the answer at a later stage. Flagged items are marked in the review panel on the left. The test-taker can return to flagged items by clicking on the flag in the review panel.
The Highlighter allows the test-taker to highlight parts of the text in an item.
Line Reader
The Line Reader allows the test-taker to visually isolate a line of text.
The Magnifier provides the test-taker with a movable magnifier tool.
Zoom Tool
The Zoom Tool allows the test-taker to zoom in on an area of an item.
The text-to-speech functionality allows the test-taker to hear the questions of a test being read aloud. Note: This functionality is only available on the Premium Edition of TAO.
A list of keyboard shortcuts for these tools can be found in the section Keyboard Shortcuts.